面向医疗保健领域的 3D 打印

实际操作型医疗保健领域备受信赖的 3D 打印解决方案

每个医疗机构都应使用最新工具,以改善护理状况并为患者提供最佳体验。立即与在医疗 3D 打印领域拥有丰富经验的出色合作伙伴 Formlabs 展开合作,或扩大内部生产规模。

先进医疗 3D 打印材料的最佳选择

Choose between our wide range of proprietary materials, certified third-party materials from top-tier manufacturers, or experiment with any unvalidated 405nm photopolymer resin with Open Material License. Our library comprises over 45 materials, including a variety of biocompatible formulations and high-precision, durable materials for medical device manufacturing to fuel innovation in 3D printing medical applications. Formlabs biomedical and medical device resins are designed and manufactured within our robust Quality Management System that is ISO 13485 and EU MDR certified in our certified FDA Registered facility.

3D 打印医疗部件
3D 打印脊柱


凭借针对生物相容性和工程材料优化的先进 3D 打印机,您在一天内即可在护理点打印出特定患者部件,或在内部进行灵活、有效的研发和小批量商业生产。请与我们的销售团队联系或下载以下信息表,获取有关打印机的更多信息。

medical 3D printers


Formlabs 致力于与您携手推进医疗保健行业发展。我们正积极参与医疗咨询委员会事务、制定监管指南并提供指定的医疗服务和资源。
